Energy Healing Services

  • One-2-One Guidance
  • Keepsake Audio Of Tarot Alchemy Assessment (Approx 10 mins)
  • Smoke Cleanse Protection Ritual
  • Energy transmutation using quantum therapy 
  • One-2-One Guidance
  • Smoke cleanse protection ritual
  • Root chakra activation via quantum healing therapy
  • Keepsake audio tarot guidence reading (Approx 10mins)
  • One-2-One Guidance
  • I Assess all your chakras for blockages or inbalances
  • Qauntum healing therapy to align & rebalance your energy
  • Keepsake audio tarot reading (Approx 15 mins)
  • Smoke cleanse protection ritual
  • One-2-One Guidance
  • Keepsake audio Tarot assessment reading (Approx 20mins)
  • Connect to your higher self 
  • Shift into higher consciousness 
  • Quantum energy healing for health, wealth and success
  • Transform your life
  • Magnatise your manifestation abilties
  • One-2-One Guidance
  • Keepsake audio tarot assessment reading (approx 10mins)
  • Gain clarity and heal whats lowering your vibration
  • Qauntum healing therapy 
  • Attract high vibrational, postive, loving friendships and partnerships
  • One-2-One Guidance
    Keepsake Video Recording, Oracle Card Reading (Approx 15mins)
  • Confirmation of your spiritual gifts
  • Unlock & strengthen pyschic abilities
  • Qauntum energy healing
  • Smoke cleanse protection healing ritual 
  • One-2-One Guidance
  • Heal from trauma, anxiety, PTSD And Phobias
  • Hypnotherapy 
  • Reclaim yourself
  • Regain your power